The MarriageCord Promise

Strongholds and deep-seated fears that have plagued your marriage will be revealed and destroyed;

you will get your marriage out of any rut it may have fallen into and will start taking more effective and focused actions immediately;

you will create momentum in your marriage so it’s easier to get results

your business, career and life will be positively impacted because a successful marriage transforms every area of life;

The clutter will be cleared out of your relationships and your marriage will become a problem-free zone;

the personal and emotional needs in your marriage will be satisfied;

you will begin to enjoy your present life by playing, having adventures, and a lot more fun! And much, much more…



We believe in abstinence and sexual purity before marriage and after marriage, in the sanctity of the marriage bed.

Covenant of Marriage

Marriage is the result of both a physical and spiritual contract; the spiritual contract is what the Word of God calls the Covenant of Marriage.

Redeemable Marriage

We believe that no marriage, no matter how troubled, is beyond the redemptive work of Christ.

Concerning Divorce

We believe that divorce is not God’s perfect will as the bible states that God hates divorce. However, since it takes both parties to the marriage to work at creating a healthy marriage, it is sometimes important and/or safer in certain circumstances that a couple separate.

Grace to be a Husband, Wife

We believe that there is a God-given grace to be a husband and a God-given grace to be a wife; both graces are tapped into or available through faith in the finished work of Jesus and application of the Word of God.

Love is a choice

We believe that love is a choice and is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person based on the Word of God and not self will.

Marriage is God-Intended

We believe that marriage should be as God intended, a covenant between one born a man, one born a woman and God. It is a three-fold cord that is not easily broken.

God at the Centre

We believe that any marriage can succeed if the couple have a vibrant walk with God and keep God at the centre of their relationship.

A Restored Marriage

We believe any marriage can be restored, if both parties are willing to forgive, forget and fall in love again; if they will humble themselves under the hand and Word of God and are teachable.

Unconditional Committment

We believe that marriage is an unconditional, lifelong relationship and commitment between two imperfect persons.

Couples Forever

We believe that marriage should be forever until either one of the spouses departs from this life.

Forgiveness & Grace

We believe that forgiveness and grace are integral to success in marriage.

Children are a gift

We believe that children are a gift and the heritage of God for marriage. We are therefore accountable to Him for raising, shaping and preparing them for a life of service to His Kingdom and to humanity and this can only be done in the context of a healthy marriage.

MarriageCord is an arm of Witness2Nations Ministries Inc.


P.O Box 23130 Citadel Saint Albert, T8N 6B0 Alberta Canada

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(780) 569-1614
© 2025 Witness2Nations Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
